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New Page At Last!

I managed to complete the newest comic page for Teague Fagan today! I’m delighted 😀 The characters have been stuck in that church for so long now, I’m glad to reach the end at last. This was mainly due to me getting some last minute inspiration for an extension of the scene (mainly Teague and Nutmeg appearing backstage – this was not in the original script but I really wanted that awkward moment when they met Barlow and his crew again after the ship incident).

This falls in nicely with the newest round of Comics of the Week which I shall share once again below

Week of Mar 02 – 08

Creatures Featured

Goblins and Owls and Rabbits, oh my! Join the zany adventures!

Gobo Gazette
Gobo Gazette – Gobo Gazette is a comic strip style, ongoing story about twelve goblins having one misadventures after the next as they try to find a new home and their place in the world outside their cave.

Lauren Ipsum
Lauren Ipsum – “Lauren Ipsum” is about a loony rabbit librarian who writes geeky, self-indulgent stories, mostly fanfics.

Realm of Owls
Realm of Owls – Introducing Buffet. Captured! Jollyhoot. Exotic and Adventurous Do-It-Yourself Trip. Four sillily deep stories about the world of the owl people. Sound fun? Then drag your butt over for a hooty-good read! (◎◊◎)
[Realm of Owls Webtoon Mirror]

Late update

Sorry everyone for being late with my blog post this week. It’s half term and I’ve been exchanging rooms with my younger sister. It took two days and I was knackered afterwards, muscles still ache now. But it was worth it! I’ve got a much bigger room now so I can display my books proudly.

I will admit, my time has been eaten by my PhD work recently. I started making the new comic page for Teague Fagan and I haven’t finished it yet. I can imagine this will happen more often as I start prioritising my art time for the PhD graphic novel. Fear not though for I do not intend on abandoning this project (it’s just going to take longer to complete). Oh, why did I do this to myself? ;P

On another note, one job that I thought was promising ended up being an immediate dead end and I curse all marketing recruiters for taking the mick out of people looking for work. It means I’m stuck in my current work longer so let’s see how long I last*.

Also I’m a little late sharing the newest Comics of the Week. Please forgive me! Here they are in all their beauty and glory!

Week of Feb 23 – Mar 01

A Place in the World

Destiny? Choice? How do we determine our purpose in this world? These stories explore that idea.

Brothers – Brothers follows Brothers and Postmasters Sprout and Oz as they become unlikely heroes after discovering a mysterious magic mailbox.

True Colors
True Colors – True Colors is about four incoming college students dreaming of a new start at their freshman orientation. But when a room assignment mix-up disrupts their plans, they’re forced to reexamine what kind of adults they want to become.

Kings of Sorts
Kings of Sorts – Kings of Sorts follows Hana, an optimistic village outcast, whose knowledge of magitech puts him at the center of royal court conspiracies!
[Kings of Sorts Webtoon Mirror]

*insert dramatic music

The world of work

I’ve decided I’m not going to stick with this new job any longer than I need to. There are too many things causing me to think I’m not a good fit for it. I’ve been keeping an eye out for other opportunities recently, with a couple of potential options I am really hoping work out.

But oh gosh, I really hoped I wouldn’t have to go back into the job market. It’s a nightmare to go through and can be soul-destroying. Regardless I feel it is necessary and I am confident something will come up for me. I just want to find a job I’m satisfied with that pays the bills but does not take over my work-life balance. Also I don’t want to have to feel anxious every morning before work. So please wish me luck everyone!

We have our next round of Comics of the Week!

Week of Feb 16 – 22

Across the Universe

Space’s vast reaches make for just as vast an adventure!

Thunderstar – Thunderstar is about a sassy goth girl space pilot and her high-strung engineer who go on a quest to save the pilot’s boyfriend from an evil cult and uncover secrets along the way.
[Thunderstar Webtoon Mirror]

O Sarilho
O Sarilho – In O Sarilho, an alien gets shot in the face four times and for some reason that starts a war!

Back on Track

I’m very happy to say I’m back on track with my PhD proposal now. The latest has been read by both of my supervisors and not once was it thought that I strayed too far, so I am over the moon about this! 😀

The focus has moved from animism in a general sense and is now focusing on the sea in a pre-Christian animistic context. It will be building on my previous paper on the role of water in the Gaelic Otherworld and will result in the creation of a wordless graphic novel. I am very excited to get started on this and to see where it takes me – just needs passing the initial submission once the final edits have been made so I cannot get ahead of myself.

On another ironic note, it’s been tricky to sit down and focus on art recently. I’ve been experiencing fatigue quite a bit and I think it’s due to stress. I started on a comic page but then the motivation was lost. Has anyone felt that before? Hopefully some fruit juice will be help me with that.

We have our next round of Comics of the Week!

Week of Feb 09 – 15

What Lies Beyond

Three very different looks at what lies beyond the veil of our own plane.

The Bright Side
The Bright Side – ‘The Bright Side’ is the story of a girl named Emily who befriends Death. Together, they grow and learn and are forced to challenge everything they think they know…

Numb – Susan and Levi are childhood friends who have drifted apart. However Levi ends up in an accident that has something else behind it than just careless street crossing. Old strains are being brought up and something sinister is lurking around.

Ash in the Wind
Ash in the Wind – Alexis Brangwyn is a disillusioned college student who has lost interest in the real world until she discovers a mysterious book about a local legend. Seemingly by fate, she gets a chance to investigate the site (with her crush!), but when the two end up lost in another reality, they ask themselves if they truly want to return home.
[Ash in the Wind Webtoon Mirror]

A few additions

Hello everyone!

I wanted to update you on a few additions I’m making to old scenes before moving onto the next new page. Page 30 has already had an update and I’ll be revisiting Barlow and Teague’s first fight too. I’m wanting to extend it as I think it goes by too quick so there’ll be a couple of pages on that post in the near future.

My PhD proposal has proven troublesome due to my uncertainty of what idea to go for. Well I say that, I now know what I want to write about for my project but the problem I’m facing is it seems to stray too far from the original idea when I initially applied. Fortunately I did manage to speak to one of my supervisors to confirm the idea has evolved since then. The original focused on animism but it’s general and I have developed the idea into something better, in my opinion. I am hoping to showcase the new idea as such in my next meeting. This is due at the end of March so time is running out.

On a very bright note, it’s my birthday next week! Looking forward to a nice meal out with family ^^

Week of Feb 02 – 08

Trials and Triumphs

Perseverance, determination, trial and error, even luck. All of these are hallmarks of things we face in life, things that make our triumphs even sweeter.

Autumn Wig and the Crown of Fire
Autumn Wig and the Crown of Fire – Autumn Wing and the Crown of Fire is about a kind half-angel kid on a grand quest through cruel lands to forge his own halo, proving his worth as an angel and hero. To achieve this, he must win the magical flame of a Sacred Beast.

Court of Roses
Court of Roses – Court of Roses is about a ragtag troupe of bards hired to solve a murder mystery!
[Court of Roses Webtoon Mirror]

Realising your Work Style

An idea has come to me this morning after looking back over my work background. I have experienced unhappiness in my new work at the moment and it made me think about what has made me happy in the past – despite a few odds and ends that made me want to run away before. The main part was my work-life balance that I only realised now is off. One of my previous jobs allowed me to be a lot more flexible and it was very well paid for fewer days work. It was not perfect but I have missed out on a few things in my personal life recently because of how much from my energy this new role has taken. It made me realise that I need flexibility to allow more time for life.

So I have decided that I want to return to that and my goodness, the feeling inside is so positive. I will however need to hold off for now – this new role was for a purpose and I need to see how it turns out.

In the meantime, here are the new SpiderForest Comics of the Week! Another awesome collection to get your comic senses tingling… did that sound weird?

Week of Jan 26 – Feb 01

Peeling Back the Layers

Things are always more complicated than they appear on the surface. These stories delve into the myriad layers of the worlds they exist in.

Everyday Epics
Everyday Epics – Everyday Epics is about epically quotidian adventures of the many denizens of the continent of the Raised Lands, in the world of Edanh. Featuring responsive comic pages and multi-language dialog.

Foreach – After long days of ghost hunting and family obligations, exorcist-in-training Jasper Mundy finds comfort in video games, playing perfect the hero where love conquers all. But what starts as escapism begins to take on an unexpected gravitas as the lines between fantasy and reality begin to blur…

Comics galore!

This is a bit of a late post as I am not sure how to progress since the last one. My thoughts are the same and the plans are the same, I didn’t want to sound like a broken record. However I do want to share the next few comics!

I do however want to say that I am planning on working on the next comic page this weekend. It’s made me sad how my time has been taken up so much by work (something I’d rather not waste my time on) and not the things I’m truly passionate about.

See below the next awesome collection of comics for the week! I’ll be posting again later this week to make sure I am back on track.

Week of Jan 19 – 25

Stranger in a Strange Land

Misplaced and among strangers, these characters make the best of their situation to reach their goal

True Magic
True Magic – A tale of daring villagers in search of justice, and the eldritch forces they find along the way. Features implausibly handsome peasants, fun fight scenes, weird-but-cute creatures, and friendship amidst magical peril.

Of Conquests and Consequences
Of Conquests and Consequences – Of conquests and consequences is a coming of age comic where a teenage aristocrat from the North finds himself a prisoner of war and is assigned as a servant to the young heiress of one of the clans from across the desert. His captor will take him far away from his homeland and further still from his comfort zones. How will he adapt to the new culture?

Tuppence for Stardust
Tuppence for Stardust – Tuppence for Stardust is about a young fae girl trying to navigate the perils of magic, friendship, buried secrets, and heavy metal.
[Tuppence for Stardust Webtoon Mirror]

CRASSH Submission

I’ve found out today that my art submission is going to be featured at the Centre of Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Cambridge (UK) as part of their Fairy-Tale Trouble and the Art of Fluidity exhibition! I’m SO happy!!

My submission is called ‘The Lonely Selkie’ and features a very gloomy and moody pencil drawing of a coast with a little, white seal and threatening-looking house. I don’t think I can share the image here yet until the exhibition is over but I will share the link once it’s live.

It’s so amazing to see more of my latest artworks be accepted into something – the other being SpiderForest. For me, it’s a milestone as it took me years to find my style and niche so to see it be liked by others warms my heart <3

New Comics of the Week

Hi everyone!

It’s been a hectic beginning of the year thanks to work so I’m glad to post an update here. I’ve been missing working on my comic lately so I’ll be working on the next page soon! I miss the days when I would create a new page every week as I love seeing the story progress. My new job has taken a toll on me during the first week back after the Christmas holidays, it adds to me wondering if it’s even worth it. I’ve been feeling that a lot more lately. In my heart no it isn’t, but I’m holding on for the family. I worry plans will change out of my control despite me ‘knowing’ what’s coming.

Alongside this, I’ve diverged a little from my original PhD proposal as I experimented with new ideas and it left my supervisors a little confused. I am hoping I can turn this back around and I am confident I can. Just means more writing, meh!

On a positive note, I’m delighted to share the new Comics of the Week from SpiderForest so please visit and have a read if you haven’t already. I am hoping to come back with more positive news in my next update 😀

Indomitable Spirits

In a post apocalypse it takes extra strength of will to make it through. These stories are full of just those kinds of people.

All Legends Die
All Legends Die – Cabal has fought against Death before and one, but eventually the bill must come due.

LOSTLAND – LOSTLAND is a supernatural, post-apoc adventure story following the tales of four travelers and the little twists of fate that bind them both to each other, and to one man’s grand design for this new world. Prepare for crazy humor, intense action, and a touch of mystery, all rolled into a world that changes all who travel through it.

Pneuma Vita
Pneuma Vita – A post-apocalyptic story about love.

Welcome 2025

Here we are in the new year. There are a lot of things I’m dreading expecting to happen this year but I am also looking forward to a lot of things! The longer days, how my studies are going to play out, etc. There are also a couple of things I want to get back into, like fishing and bushcraft, and I am excited for new possibilities (like remote working and a better financial situation). So many positives coming my way.

The geopolitical situation is what I am watching most closely with wary eyes. It no doubt is going to escalate but there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s best to stick to the things can keep you happy and hopeful for the future. So in the meantime, SpiderForest have started their Comics of the Week! That’s something most exciting so please have a read below:

Seek and Ye Shall Find

We all seek something… and in our attempt we often find, but not always what it was at the outset.

The Quest of Casey Tailor
The Quest of Casey Tailor – The Quest of Casey Tailor is about a kid trying to save his baby sister who was kidnapped by a fairy, he has no idea why though and when he runs into problems at the royal palace seemingly there are more questions then answers.

Clover and Cutlass
Clover and Cutlass – The daughter of an orc warlord falls for a girl her family wants dead. If they can’t stop her parents from ending the world, how’s she ever gonna ask her out?

Prophet of the Sun
Prophet of the Sun – Prophet of the Sun is about a selfish loser trying to dodge the consequences of making a deal with the devil.