Teague Fagan (Tadhg Ó Fágáin)

A sea serpent of little words wanders the wilds of Land’s End Isle in human form. Deadly sirens hunt him, the townspeople wish him dead and now a new threat wishes to see him imprisoned. Teague finds sanctuary with his befriended local pirates and forest spirits, but the sea is calling and every day he finds it harder to ignore. A glass of fine Irish whiskey quietens the call for a while…


It's rare to find Bill frowning and it's even rarer to find him sober. A happy-go-lucky fisherman turned pirate when Land's End Isle decides to join the Consortium. Bill values freedom over convenience, often leading the live music of Stag's Rest Inn, pulling Teague and his fiddle along without asking. Unfortunately his fate and the rest of his crew remains a mystery when they disappeared beyond the horizon.


The bartender and manager of Stag's Rest Inn. Maggie does not ask much out of life other than good company and good rum. Though she is forced to make a decision for her future when Land's End Isle votes to join the Consortium's charter cities. Bill invites her to join his crew and thus she leaves the deed to the inn with Teague, trusting he will look after it well.

Captain Henry Barlow

Many would be wise to not get on the wrong side of this man. His rare ability in subtle manipulation attracted recruitment by the Consortium to annex the last sovereign town of Land’s End Isle into their city. But what was just another mission becomes personal when he meets Teague Fagan, and suddenly he has a new thirst to quench.


His Lordship leads Land's End Isle as mayor, judge and member of parliament from his manor. A kind man strong in his faith and believer in sovereignty, but tested when his constituency is threatened by famine and supernatural entities in the sea. Desperate, he invited the Consortium to send an ambassador who is sensitive to tradition, leading to the arrival of Barlow and his crew. His leadership was never strongly questioned until after the incident at the harbour, and now his future is uncertain.


Captain Barlow's only living relative. Like all city children, Poppy had to take a pathway to set her future. She decided to bite the bullet and join the 'Beyond the Perimeter' programme to experience the world outside her home city, as no-one else ever does it. However, she soon came to realise how boring it was out there and is eagerly waiting to get home to switch her programme.

Bryn and Rosette

Two of the oldest spirits of Land’s End Isle are Spriggans – guardians of the sídhe. They answer the call to those sídhe in most need of their protection. Both longed for a family in their past lives and were only granted this blessing in the Otherworld, where they took a particular liking to the knockers (lost spirits of deceased miner children) within the Tinners’ Rabbits Mine. They all reside there as a very large family. Their skills include great strength, enough to break through metal, and summoning powerful winds. Alongside this, Rosette enjoys cooking meals of chalk, limestone and crystal for guests - even if most are unable to digest such a hearty meal.


Once an English handmaiden who worked for the aristocratic family of Land's End Isle. Now haunting a young yew tree within the forests of Land's End Isle. Her curiousity always knew no bounds, gathering old spellbooks from the manor where she used to work. Most of the time she grows plants in her own personal garden to make potions. Being a young spirit, she is quite naïve, overly optimistic and yet very talented in the skill of alchemy.

The Consortium

A mysterious group who reside at the centre of the capital city. No one really knows who they are with some speculating conspiracies around them. One theory is they're men, another says they're robots and another says they're gods. Whoever they are, they are the ones who make all the decisions. But such a vibrant and flourishing city cannot possibly mean they're anything to worry about, right?