Comic (+Schedule) Update and PhD Acceptance

Two loads of good news, I have finally completed page 78! That took me all day today and I’m knackered.

I may return to play around further with the text as it’s quite a busy one-panel page. However for now I am happy to leave it.

I’ve made a couple of changes to some previous pages’ script to fit in the update of my storyline, that is Ogog returning to his original name of Bryn Llewellyn (the purpose is that the former name no longer served a purpose and just added confusion). It’s early enough in the story to make that change so I took the opportunity.

I am also now an official PhD art student! This means I need to consider this alongside my new job and my comic updates, and it’s likely that I will have to return to a once monthly update rather than weekly realistically. Sorry everyone, I do need to sleep and relax from time to time to avoid burnout.

Enjoy the new page, I am going to rest on the sofa for a while.

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