A little break

Hello lovely readers!

I’ve come to a point where I need to have a break from my comic for 1-2 months. I’ve been working on it for the past 2-3 years (including the first draft that hasn’t been published here) and there has been a few recent developments in story and character that has made me re-consider a few things in design and plot. So I need time to reflect on them. Funnily enough, the story has been inspired by the same sources that inspired my PhD proposal – so it’s likely it will crossover onto my academic work. In the meantime, I am giving myself the space needed to develop these new ideas.

Plus I need time to settle into my new job.

To all those who returned to enjoy the story or recent fans, this message is for you <3

Next steps

Oh it’s been a busy day getting this website all setup but there is still a way to go. It’s been brought to my attention that the comic pages may be taking too long a time to load due to their file size so I will work to compress them myself so it’s easier for you as the reader. Also Chapter 2 will be uploaded next.

Thank you everyone for your patience. I will get this all sorted within the next week or two – depends on how much time I can dedicate to the website before the weekend. But I will work to get it all done asap.

I cannot wait for this all to be sorted because I am eager to get back to working on the comic itself. Poor Lord Reginald keeps staring at me with sad eyes so I cannot let him down!