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New SpiderForest Members!

SpiderForest is going to be updating the new comics (including my own) soon so I wanted to share my fellow new spiders here 😀 There’s some really talented people in this group and I’ve been enjoying reading some myself. Please click on the links below to go to their comic websites!

New Member Spotlight – Unlikely Heroes

Pirates and pilots, serpents and sorcery! Jump into adventures and mystery with these comics about taking your destiny into your own hands – whether you’re ready or not!


Thunderstar – Amanda is an adventurous goth girl and a great pilot in the Royal Starfleet. When her boyfriend is kidnapped by a cult for their own nefarious purposes, it’s up to her and her high-strung engineer to defy the odds, cross the galaxy, and save him.

Teague Fagan

Teague Fagan – A sea serpent in the form of a human hermit is exiled to an island somewhere in the Celtic Sea while mermaids mysteriously, yet ruthlessly, hunt him down. But a new threat may pull him out of hiding…

Saffron Wave

Saffron Wave – Set 3000 years ago on ancient Crete, Nephele lives in uneventful solitude, until her world is upended by strange sea monsters and an even stranger woman giving her magical girl powers.

Heart of the Storm

Heart of the Storm – Tempest–a wanted pirate with no ship and no attachments–spends her time dancing around the gallows and making a mockery of the law. She takes and does as she pleases, consequences be damned. But that might all change when she saves Callisto’s life.

Yokoka's Quest

Yokoka’s Quest – Yokoka is a catgirl on an adventure and winging it, but what could go wrong? Right?


Entropy – Arielle is an impulsive, headstrong blacksmith’s apprentice who comes in contact with a strange magical artifact that seems connected to an otherworldly being. As she experiments with its power, she may have accidentally kickstarted the apocalypse.

A little break

Hello lovely readers!

I’ve come to a point where I need to have a break from my comic for 1-2 months. I’ve been working on it for the past 2-3 years (including the first draft that hasn’t been published here) and there has been a few recent developments in story and character that has made me re-consider a few things in design and plot. So I need time to reflect on them. Funnily enough, the story has been inspired by the same sources that inspired my PhD proposal – so it’s likely it will crossover onto my academic work. In the meantime, I am giving myself the space needed to develop these new ideas.

Plus I need time to settle into my new job.

To all those who returned to enjoy the story or recent fans, this message is for you <3

Comic (+Schedule) Update and PhD Acceptance

Two loads of good news, I have finally completed page 78! That took me all day today and I’m knackered.

I may return to play around further with the text as it’s quite a busy one-panel page. However for now I am happy to leave it.

I’ve made a couple of changes to some previous pages’ script to fit in the update of my storyline, that is Ogog returning to his original name of Bryn Llewellyn (the purpose is that the former name no longer served a purpose and just added confusion). It’s early enough in the story to make that change so I took the opportunity.

I am also now an official PhD art student! This means I need to consider this alongside my new job and my comic updates, and it’s likely that I will have to return to a once monthly update rather than weekly realistically. Sorry everyone, I do need to sleep and relax from time to time to avoid burnout.

Enjoy the new page, I am going to rest on the sofa for a while.

Up to date

Haha! It took me all evening but we’re finally up to date with the comic 😀

Also all of the comic pages have gone through a resizing to make it easier to read so fingers crossed that works well for everyone. Any issues you spot, please let me know and I’ll work to get it fixed.

In the meantime, read through Teague Fagan to catch up to the latest page! I’m now free to make updates (though I will also continue to work on other art pieces to upload to the character page) so time to grab the pencil.

Next steps

Oh it’s been a busy day getting this website all setup but there is still a way to go. It’s been brought to my attention that the comic pages may be taking too long a time to load due to their file size so I will work to compress them myself so it’s easier for you as the reader. Also Chapter 2 will be uploaded next.

Thank you everyone for your patience. I will get this all sorted within the next week or two – depends on how much time I can dedicate to the website before the weekend. But I will work to get it all done asap.

I cannot wait for this all to be sorted because I am eager to get back to working on the comic itself. Poor Lord Reginald keeps staring at me with sad eyes so I cannot let him down!


Welcome to the official home of Teague Fagan.

Please bear with me as I get used to this new setup, there’s a lot to take in at once and I’m still getting to grips with it all. However it will be complete in good time.

Until then, enjoy your day lovely readers 🙂